Embedded Database Ubiquitous DeviceSQL Compact and High-Speed database for embedded devices

DeviceSQL consists of the DeviceSQL development environment (SDK) installed on the development host and the DeviceSQL Runtime Services (DeviceSQL Runtime Services) running on the target.

Development environment

The DeviceSQL development environment (SDK) includes the following components: The DeviceSQL Compiler is
automatically analyzes program logic and data definitions written in DeviceSQL Language (DevcieSQL Language) and generates optimized application code in ANSI C code.
The sample application (Starter Samples)
Sample programs that use various DeviceSQL functions are included.
SQL Probe is an advanced database operation tool.
Interactive database interaction is possible.
It also has an import / export function with CSV files.

Target environment (runtime)

The DeviceSQL runtime service is optimized for embedded systems.
A service library that includes a high-performance database engine.
It consists of the following services.

Services provided by DeviceSQLOverview
DeviceSQL memory serviceRegister memory allocation /free routines
DeviceSQL database handle serviceSupports multiple DB instances, allowing
multiple independent DB environments
to be built within the same memory space
DeviceSQL storage serviceProvides Memory Mapped Storage type
DeviceSQL page serviceProvides Paged Storage type service
DeviceSQL index serviceProvide various index services
DeviceSQL Callback On Event serviceDML cancellation, error handling, etc.
DeviceSQL Dynamic C API serviceBuild dynamic DB applications only
in C language or in combination with DevcieSQL language
DeviceSQL Interpreted SQLProgrammable using SQL strings
Extended service * DeviceSQL Shared Access serviceShare paged storage between
multiple processes
Communication service
(Data Streams API)
Provides a framework for sharing DBs with
remote nodes via BSD Socket I / F
DeviceSQL thread safety serviceProvides exclusive control and
access control of table operations
DeviceSQL Spatial Search Index ServiceProvides spatial search (R-Tree) function
DeviceSQL full-text search index serviceProvides full-text search (N-Gram) function

* Extended services depend on the functions provided by the OS platform and may not be implemented.

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